Allied Priority List - Smoke Damage Cleaning, Deodorization and Restoration

With the unprecedented demand, getting on the priority list is vital to avoid a significant back log. Resouces are scarce. Taking immediate action secures the support you need to avoid delays.

Our Streamlined Process

To streamline our response and provide the highest level of service, we have developed a comprehensive process to assist your clients during this crisis:

  1. Initial Retainer to Start Services:

We will introduce our process to the client and collect your deductible as a retainer ($10,000 or the deductible, whichever is lesser). This allows us to initiate immediate steps toward restoring their home.

  1. Preliminary Cleaning Services While Awaiting Approvals:

Once the retainer is paid, we will begin preliminary cleaning services to address urgent smoke and odor issues. This will be done while we are finalizing the estimate or awaiting approval of the insurance claim if the client chooses to file one.

  1. Comprehensive Documentation:

We will deploy deodorizing equipment and perform a 3D scan of the home to document the damage. These records will be shared with the client, you, property management, and the insurance carrier if a claim is being filed.

  1. Estimate Creation:

We will prepare a summary estimate outlining the full scope of work needed to bring the home back to its pre-loss condition. This estimate can be used whether the client chooses to proceed independently or file a claim.

  1. Insurance Collaboration:

If the client is insured with carriers other than California Fair Plan or State Farm, we will assist in securing the necessary approvals to move forward with the restoration work. For the other two, we will consult on a case by case basis.

  1. Immediate Cleaning Option:

For clients who prefer not to file a claim or prioritize immediate action, we are ready to begin cleaning and deodorization immediately after preparing their estimate if the client agrees.

  1. Comprehensive Services:

Our team can refer over experts for any related services we do not handle  that may be needed for you or your clients including artwork restoration and swimming pool cleanup.

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