If you are obsessively cleaning your business and home from keeping your family from getting sick, you are in luck. The CDC says there is proof that disinfecting your home and workspace can fight back against spreading or catching the Coronavirus
ABC News announces that Los Angeles County is now the 2nd State to declare the State of Emergency. With new 6 new cases popping up within 48 hours, uncertainty strikes Los Angeles. With cases like this continuing to pop up, we the people need to step up and take a proactive stance.
The impact of the coronavirus, now known as COVID-19, has made tremors around the world. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued travel advisories for China, Iran, Japan, Italy, Hong Kong, and South Korea. The CDC recommends postponing any travels and cruises to or around Asia at this point in time.
Dr. Tedros Adhanom, the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), reported a shocking statistic, “The number of new cases reported in the rest of the world has exceeded the number reported in China”. New cases were popping up in Brazil, Georgia, Romania, Greece, North Macedonia, Pakistan, and Norway.
“If you act aggressively now, you can contain the virus and save lives. Move swiftly and contain it. With the right measures, it can be contained… This virus does not respect borders,” emphasized Adhonom.
Dr. Lorna Freidman, a global health leader for Mercer’s multinational client group, shared that COVID-19 affects people in different ways. Friedman explained for some, “it causes a version of the common cold in otherwise healthy people, and 82# of those infected have mild cases, 15% have moderate cases, 3% experience severe symptoms, and it has a 2% mortality rate.” Friedman also explained that the elderly over the age of 70 and individuals with chronic conditions are at the greatest risk.
As officials are preparing the plans to tackle the issue, the people must take proactive measures to protect themselves. As Freidman explained, the virus affects the elderly and sick more than the average healthy individual. That means we must be proactive in educating those that are at risk and informing them to stay in, stay healthy, and keep up with hygiene.
How is the Coronavirus Spreading?
The CDC has issued a warning for Americans to be prepared for the COVID-19 to become a pandemic as more cases arise in the United States. COVID-19 passes easily from person to person within 6 feet. COVID-19 travels through cough, sneeze, and touch of affected surfaces like door handles.

China’s lockdown and containment of the affected cities gave the world several weeks to put up defenses, but that has not been able to stop the spread of COVID-19. New cases are popping up all around the world, including the United States. This brings about the hysteria that pollutes social media, driving the mass into a state of fear with misinformation. Allied Restoration always recommends staying informed with only the official statements being released by credible sources such as the CDC and WHO.
Epidemics are usually defined as outbreaks of disease confined to a particular region or country, but when they spread and cross regions, it can be considered a pandemic. Some experts are saying that If the containment strategy is not working, then experts like Amesh Adalja from John Hopkins University Center for Health Security has proposed we move to mitigation. Officials say that the next three weeks are going to be critical in terms of what will happen. We should have more clarity of the scope by Mid-March 2020.
What Can You Do to Reduce the Risk of Spreading the Disease?
As a professional restoration company, Allied Restoration handles bacteria such as mold and harmful bio-hazards such as asbestos, and lead on a daily basis. Some tips to reduce the risk of spreading the disease:
- Regulate the humidity of the property – setting up dehumidifiers and air scrubbers
- Maintain clean air filters inside the property – changing out the filters on HVACS and vents at least quarterly
- Regulate the temperatures of your property – do not set low temperatures as bacteria can thrive in lower temperatures. The human body also fights infections better when it is warm.
- Encourage those that are sick to contain themselves and not spread it at work or public places.
- Install sanitary stations in frequently touched or visited areas.
- Avoid touching mouth, eyes, and nose
- Keep all surfaces clean in the common areas
How Will the Coronavirus Impact Businesses and What Can You Do?
Most businesses are not ready for a pandemic of this size. Experts are comparing the effects of the Coronavirus to the pandemic back in 1918, and how that tumbled the economy. Businesses are already being affected in the United States with the fluctuation of supply and demand from industry to industry.
Restoration companies are stepping up to a more proactive approach in performing mitigation and cleaning of commercial businesses, schools and public spaces up to the standards of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Institute of Inspection Cleaning Restoration Certifications (IICRC).
What to do if someone got infected with Coronavirus in your office or business?
Immediately contain the situation and make sure everyone affected sees a professional healthcare provider. Protecting your organization against the threat of infectious diseases is a priority. In the event of a pandemic threat, businesses that plan for the potential threat will play an important role in protecting their employees’ health and safety.
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